Egress- to escape a situation; Wasm- suffix denoting an action or result that didn’t happen
“Egresswasm” is the title of a series of publications that coincide with a performance lecture given by speakers and artists associated with the fictional United States Escape Party, the US' only ontological political party. The USEP is a conceptual strategy akin to something like Marcel Broodthaers “Dept. of Eagles” or Robert Filiou and George Brecht’s “Cedilla That Smiles,” non-sites that assume an
institutional position to say something about the nature of institutions.
USEP founder and publisher: Chris Reeves
Vol. 1 (as "Eggresswasm") contributors: Caleb Foss, Chris Collins, Chris Reeves, Evelyn Wilde, Kyle Schlie, Lauren Sudbrink, Liz McCarthy, Loraine Wible, Maya Ben David, Nellie Kluz, and Thorne Brandt, and a reproduction of George Perec's "Blackbird."
Vol. 2 contributors: Andre Alves, Avril Thurman, Cal Cullen, Chris Collins, Chris Reeves, Emma Safir, Erin Hayden, Hanna M. Owens, Ingrid Schmidt, Ionit Behar, Kelsey Brod, Lauren Sudbrink, Marc Governanti, Maya Ben David, Sidney Cherie Hilley, Tiffany Funk, and reproductions of Helen Keller's "The Frost King" and Margaret Canby's "The Frost Fairies."
Vol. 3 contributors: Aalap Bommaraju, Arthur Menzes Brum, Bailey Romaine, Breanne Trammell, Caroline Walp, Chris Reeves, Elana Adler, Hanna M. Owens, Jennifer Chan, Jenn Smith, Lauren Sudbrink, Liz Cambron, Marlo Koch, Shir Ende, and reproductions of Margaret Cavendish's "A Conversation Between Patience and Anger," and Patricia Tijerina's burning of a National Parks Sign in New Mexico, 1969. With Leif Fairfield and Zach Larabee live scoring Richard Nixon's resignation speech.
To ask the United States Escape Party to be implemented and immediately disbanded at your event (or to simply obtain a set of pamphlets), contact: